
Showing posts from November, 2014

Holidays in Old North Festival and Craft Market - December 13th, 11 to 4 - Norah's Knits will be there!

The sale will be in Old North St. Louis, in the redevelopment area in the 2 blocks just south of Crown Candy Kitchen. The address for Crown is 1401 St. Louis Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63106. Old North St. Louis is directly north of downtown St. Louis, just west of Interstate 70/44. From downtown on I-70 going north, take the Madison exit, go about 6 blocks north to St. Louis Avenue, then go left (west) on St. Louis Avenue over the highway and 2 blocks to North 14th. There is a large parking lot behind the store fronts on North 14th. Here's a link to more info about the sale and event - there will be lots going on in addition to a number of vendors with hand-made and vintage items: Also, photos of one of my items, modeled by my sister - hand-crocheted fingerless gloves with decorative flower: The items I will have at the sale include fingerless gloves, small purses, scarves, shawls, wraps, shrugs, hats, headbands, cowls, and fl

Update on Best of Missouri Hands sale Nov. 8 & 9 - Norah's Knits will be there!!

Show dates and times: November 8 Sat. 10am-6pm    November 9 Sun.   11am-4pm The St. Louis Artists’ Guild is located at #2 Oak Knoll Park, Clayton, Missouri, with the entrance just north of the intersection of Big Bend and Clayton Roads.  ARTstravaganza is a juried showcase of both general and juried members of The Best of Missouri Hands (BOMH). Twenty one BOMH Artists from all over the state will present an array of work in clay, jewelry, photography, wood, glass, metal, naturals, wearables, and more. Artists will be demonstrating their art and are always happy to talk about their work and answer your questions. Acoustic bluegrass rock music will be provided by Pik’n Lik’n for the weekend. ARTstravaganza is free to the public. For more information about the facility, go to For more information about the Best of Missouri Hands, go to: