
Showing posts from July, 2022

More fingerless mitts - Boboli Lace

I've been working on a second pair of fingerless mitts using the same free pattern as the last post - St. John's Wort pattern. For this pair, I used size 3 double-pointed needles and made the mitts longer at the cuffs and at the finger-opening end. The pic was taken before the second mitt was finished and before thumbs were worked. (The thumb stitches on the first mitt are held on a short piece of black ribbon.) I'm enjoying this pattern and may make more pairs for family gifts. (I never sell items made from someone else's pattern.)

Undyed mohair & merino cowls & hat, fingerless mitts

  The above - two hat and cowl sets - were knit from mohair & merino yarn from  Rainbow Fiber Co-Op . Interweave Knits mentioned the website in a recent issue. The yarn was lovely to knit.  The fingerless mitts below are from a free pattern from Webs:   Webs -  I'm using Berroco brand Boboli Lace  , which is a single-ply fingering weight (despite its "Lace" name). The thumb stitches are being held on a strand of yarn - I'll work them both at the end, so that I don't forget what I did after the first one. The stitch is called "St. John's Wort" - I looked for it in the three Barbara Walker stitch books that I have, but did not find it.