
Showing posts from April, 2019

Silk and silk/merino scarf and bag

This scarf uses yarn purchased at the Weavers Guild of St. Louis' DeStash event which was held a few weeks ago. The light-colored yarn is all-silk, four strands held together, giving a bulky weight. The black yarn is silk/merino yarn from my stash. While I'm not sure the scarf is suitable for spring/summer, it is really attractive. The bag is lined, with a functional button. It is crocheted, using a reverse single-crochet to finish the edge. The scarf has not been blocked yet - I'm leaving that up to the person I made it for!!

Non-Knitted fiber adventure - Eco Dyeing

I recently had great fun participating in an Eco-Dyeing workshop, using leaves (and other materials) to dye silk scarves. I'm in the center above, and my two scarves are the third and fourth ones from the left. The workshop was held at Sharon Kilfoyle 's mid-Missouri studio, and all materials were provided. Several of us from the Weavers Guild of St. Louis drove out for the workshop, bringing snacks and a pot-luck lunch with us. More details on my scarves: the pale turquoise one (3rd from left) is raw silk, and takes the dye differently than the silk charmeuse one to the right of it (the one with the bright blues and red on the clothes line in front of me). The leaves I used were ginko leaves and sweetgum leaves.