
Showing posts from June, 2016

Finished object - morning knitting

Thought I would post a photo of the finished object I was working on earlier in the week - the prior post showed what looked like a pile of yarn, I think. Here's the finished shawl, not yet blocked (and a quick photo) --- As I said, scrap yarn projects like this are fun to knit, at least to me. I work all the tied ends to one side, so one side has a deconstructed look.

Morning knitting too

I got started on a simple "scrap" shawl over the weekend, am just finishing it up with edging. Here's how it looked this morning: These scrap yarn projects are fun because the yarn changes every 4 yards or so (depending on how long you make the lengths of yarn that are tied together). Also, you can remember the original items as the different yarns are knitted up. I keep all my partial balls of yarn, and any scraps longer than a yard or so.